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Qué y Cómo Medimos AQI


Nuestro programa registra y muestra datos de calidad del aire en tiempo real alrededor de la ciudad de Guatemala. Otras variables registradas incluyen, entre otras, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10.0, Presión atmosférica, Temperatura, O3, NOX, CO, CO2, Ruido y contaminación lumínica. Por favor comparta sus comentarios en

What is AQI?

The Air Quality Index (AQI) indicates how clean or polluted the air can be and its associated health effects. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determines the AQI by measuring 5 main pollutants: ozone level at street level, particle pollution (also known as Particulate Pollutant), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. The level of ozone at street level and airborne particles are the two pollutants that the EPA considers to put health at greater risk.

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How we measure?

SYNTROPY has several measuring stations in Guatemala City and surrounding municipalities. We measure airborne particles (PM). Particulate matter describes solid particles suspended in the air, including dust, smoke and other organic and inorganic particles. Our sensors use laser particle counters to count the number of particles by particle sizes 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 μm, and use the counting data to calculate the mass concentrations of PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10. All these measurements and calculations are performed applying EPA standards. Additionally, we have other sensors that measure: Atmospheric pressure, Temperature, O3, NOX, CO, CO2, Noise (dB) and light pollution.


All information is measured in real time with 15-45 second uploads to the cloud.

How can I protect myself?

10 tips to protect yourself from unhealthy air (according to the American Lung Association)

The American Lung Association promotes everyone to get involved in the fight for cleaner and healthier air. Here are some simple and effective tips to protect you and your family from the dangers of air pollution:


  1. Check the daily air pollution forecasts in your area. Color-coded forecasts can inform you when the air is not healthy in your community. Sources include local radio and television weather reports, newspapers and online at

  2. Avoid exercising outdoors when pollution levels are high. When the air is bad, walk inside a mall or gym or use an exercise machine. Limit the amount of time your child spends playing outdoors if the air quality is not healthy.

  3. Always avoid exercising near high traffic areas. Even when air quality forecasts are green, vehicles on busy roads can create high levels of pollution up to a third to a mile away.

  4. Use less energy in your home. The generation of electricity and other energy sources creates air pollution. By reducing energy use, you can help improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote energy independence and save money. Consult the simple advice of your local Environmental Protection Agency. To conserve energy in the home.

  5. Encourage your child's school to reduce exposure to school bus emissions. To keep escape levels low, schools should not allow school buses to be inactive outside their buildings. Many school systems are using the EPA Clean School Bus Campaign in the US. Look for local initiatives that do the same.

  6. Walk, ride a bike or share a trip. Combine trips Use buses, subways, light rail systems, commuter trains or other alternatives instead of driving your car.

  7. Do not burn wood or trash. Burning firewood and garbage are among the main sources of particle pollution (soot) in many parts of the country.

  8. Use electric or manual lawn care equipment instead of gasoline. Old two-stroke engines, such as mowers and leaf or snow blowers, often have no pollution control devices. They can pollute the air even more than cars, although engines sold since 2011 are cleaner.

  9. Do not allow anyone to smoke indoors and support measures so that all public places are tobacco free.

  10. Get Involved. Start by consulting Fighting For Air, which has more information on what you can do.


In other words: help yourself and everyone else to breathe better. Support national, state and local efforts to clean up sources of pollution. Your life and the life of someone you love may depend on it.

PM2.5 around the Globe



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